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Configure schdule scan

harish1982 Posts: 14 Security Scout

Dear all

How to configure scheduled scanning in fsecure policy manager 12 and how to push to client systems.I already configured like this in advance view "/t23:59 /b2017-11-11 /rweekly"(i want start from 11.11.2017 and scan will start @11.59 night...kindly share the details...Thanks in advance


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    Copy from the help text (bottom right pane) when clicking in "Scheduling parameters":

    A command-line type of setting and parameters for running scheduled tasks. The setting supports the following parameters:  
    Time and date parameters:  
    Execution time: either "/tHH:MM" or "/tiMINUTES". HH:MM specifies the exact start time (24-hour local time) for running the task. MINUTES specifies the number of minutes the system must remain idle for the task to start. Note that you can use the "/ti" parameter on its own or as an additional condition for the "/t" parameter.  
    Randomization interval: "/trHH:MM, where HH:MM specifies the maximum time that can elapse from the execution time before running the task.  
    Begin date: "/bYYYY-MM-DD", where YYYY-MM-DD specifies the first date for running the task. If you do no specify this parameter, the task applies as soon as the policy is distributed and received.   End date: "/eYYYY-MM-DD", where YYYY-MM-DD specifies the last date for running the task.  
    Repeat mode: "/rREPEAT_MODE" specifies how often the task is run. REPEAT_MODE must be: "once" (task is run only once), "daily", "weekly", or "monthly". If you do no specify this parameter, the task is run daily.  
    Run day: "/sDAY". If you use weekly or monthly repeat mode, DAY is the number of the day for running the task. If you do no specify this parameter, weekly tasks are run on Mondays and monthly tasks on the first day of the month.  
    You can also specify multiple days with the /s parameter. For example, /s1 /s5 to run a weekly task on every Monday and Friday. Similarly, /s1 /s15 /s30 to run a monthly task on the 1st, 15th, and 30th day of the month.  
    Execute when available: "/asap". Run the task as soon as possible if the scheduled time has passed and the task has not yet run. This option is available in F-Secure Anti-Virus versions 14.00 and later.  
    Operation-based parameters:   Run the task at startup: "/a". Run the task at logon: "/l". Run the task only once: "/o".   If you use an operation-based parameter, all time and date parameters are ignored. If you specify multiple operation-based parameters, only the first applies.  
    "/t18:00 /b2017-10-16 /rweekly" : run the task weekly starting on Oct 16, 2017 (Monday), at 18:00.  
    "/t18:00 /ti30 /b2017-10-16 /rweekly": same as the previous example, but run the task only if the system has been idle for 30 minutes.  
    "/ti30" : run the task daily after the computer has been idle for 30 minutes.  
    "/t07:00 /rmonthly /s10 /s20 /s30": run the task monthly at 07:00 on each 10th, 20th and 30th day of the month.  
    "/t07:00 /tr03:00 /rmonthly /s10 /s20 /s30": run the task monthly between 07:00 and 10:00 (3-hour randomization interval) on each 10th, 20th and 30th day of the month.

     May I add, that it has been discussed here several times that scheduled scanning is an old fationed, energery-wasting and time consuming senseless process, with an efficency of 60%-80% detection rate only.

  • harish1982
    harish1982 Posts: 14 Security Scout

    Thanka for your replity but sorry to say this i tried this before but its not working before and now also.i have configured scheduled task will run on every week particular day but its not showing in client system.i have set users will not change any settings.So schedule scan tab is grayed out.but if we configured in policy manager it will  show in that tab.but that tab has not ticked and showing default time only.her i have attached scan settings for your ref...ThanksUntitled.jpg

  • harish1982
    harish1982 Posts: 14 Security Scout

    ven i tried with quotes(") and without quotes like t23:59 /b2017-11-12 /rweekly.i set time format is(YYYY-MM-DD) but my system time format is diff 11.12.20177(MM.DD.YYYY).is this depends on this format..please help to resolve  this issue.Already many days has gone after purchased.Thanks

  • harish1982
    harish1982 Posts: 14 Security Scout

    Even i tried with quotes(") like "t23:59 /b2017-11-12 /rweekly" and without quotes like t23:59 /b2017-11-12 /rweekly.i set time format is(YYYY-MM-DD) but my system time format is diff 11.12.20177(MM.DD.YYYY).is this depends on this format..I need to create scheduled scan run on every saturday night 23.00.please help to resolve  this issue.Already many days has gone after purchased.Thanks

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello harish1982,


    Please, note, that scheduled tasks created in Policy Manager Console (PMC) are not visible in local client UI. Local UI provides a possibility for local user to create personal scheduled tasks.

    To check, if the Scheduled task reaches the client and is configured properly, you can open Task Scheduler with the admin rights on the client machine, and check for the scheduled task with the name you had specified in PMC in the root of Task Scheduler Library folder.

    Few notes.

    - Do not use quotes for Scheduling parameters in PMC. /t12:00 is correct, "/t12:00" is wrong.

    - If you are not specifying the exact day of week, default day will be taken in use (Monday, if i'm not mistaken).

    /bYYYY-MM-DD should be used always regardless of your local system format.


    Best regards,


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