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How to update F-Secure Client Security Manually

asanka Posts: 49 Security Scout

Dear All,


I have a client who has a secure location and he wants to  update client security there a way to update client security without downloading fsdbupdate daily.




  • asanka
    asanka Posts: 49 Security Scout

    Dear Robert,


    Thanks for your to update policy manager without downloading fsdbupdate daily.this place is a remote location without internet connection but headoffice has internet and policy there a way to copy difinition database to remote location?



  • Rob-K
    Rob-K Posts: 33 Junior Protector

    does there be a vpn connection from the location to the headoffice?


    if so then there is no problem. The server with the Policy Manager in the headoffice will fetch the pattern update automatically from F-Secure. The client in the remote office contacts the Policy Manager and gets the patterns. There is no need for an internet connection for the client - but it needs to reach the internal Policy Manager via LAN or VPN

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