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Multiple recipients, alerting in Client Security

hyytiape MyAccount Posts: 4 Security Scout

Hello all,


How can I add multiple addresses to SMTP alerting in PM? I've tried addresses separated by , and ; with no success. Only 1 address works.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master


    what version of PM are you using?

    Please execute

    "c:\Programme\F-Secure\common\polutil dump c:\policy.txt"


    open the file and post the lines starting with


    (please anonymize carefully)






  • hyytiape
    hyytiape MyAccount Posts: 4 Security Scout



    I cant find program named "polutil" from the server's local hdd?


    PM console's Help -> About tells me "10.00.36754".

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    F-Secure Client Security should/can not be installed on a server!


    Anyway, I recommend to open a support case as 10.01 works fine here




  • hyytiape
    hyytiape MyAccount Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Ah, you meant in Client Security. I was on server (there is no Client Security installed).


    The dump is quite large. Is there specific rows that you would like to see?


    Do these affect?



  • hyytiape
    hyytiape MyAccount Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Didnt get the alerting -type / forwarding, but now its ok.


    Thank you for help!

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