Anti-Virus firewall daemon stopped responding

Deolicious Posts: 6 Security Scout

We have recently upgraded from Client Security 12.00 to 13.00 on a number of workstations, and on a nightly basis we receive the following error message from many of them:


The module F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon monitored by F-Secure Management Agent has stopped responding or was terminated. An attempt to restart it will be made later. If you see this message frequently, contact the system administrator or reinstall F-Secure products.


I looked at this previous thread which suggested needing OS updates to support a more recent signing algorithm:


However in our case this error is also occurring on fully patched versions of Windows 10. What could the problem be?


  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    The new version F-Secure Client Security 13.10 (and the corresponding Policy Manager 13.10 centralized management) has published today. FSCS version 13.10 includes significant bugfixes in the firewall module, so please try it.


    Best regards: Feher Tamas, Hungary.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Deolicious,


    Problems with signing algorithm should not affect Windows 10 OS. If installation of CS 13.10 on problematic machines will lead to same results, please, contact support. We will need Firewall debug logs for investigation.


    Best regards,


  • Deolicious
    Deolicious Posts: 6 Security Scout

    Is upgrading the only known solution to this problem given this scenario? On most of our workstations we are only able to do software patches/upgrades once a month as part of our agreed upon maintenance cycle. I would not be able to upgrade domain wide until after Patch Tuesday of next month.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Currently we don't have any idea what's the root cause of your issue.

    If you can confirm that installation of CS 13.10 resolves it (or not), we can move forward, and, probably, find some easier solution for you.


    Best regards,


  • mas2
    mas2 Posts: 11 Security Scout

    Dear Vad


    Thanks for the suggestion.


    Unfortunately, the error message persists even with FSCS v13.10:


    "The module F-Secure Anti-Virus Firewall Daemon monitored by F-Secure Management Agent has stopped responding or was terminated. An attempt to restart it will be made later. If you see this message frequently, contact the system administrator or reinstall F-Secure products."


    Like the first post, this is running on the latestr Windows 10 Pro Falls Creator Update with all updates installed to date
    (23 rd Dec 2017)


    Edition: Windwos 10 Pro
    Version: 1709
    OS Build: 16299.64


    The details for FSCS is as follows:


    FSCS 13.10 Premium
    Version: 13.10
    Build: 215


    Not sure if this is useful but a red cross appears on the FSCS icon in the taskbar after about 5 mins from startup. When hover the mouse over this the message ""Network Connections: Malfunction" appears.


    However, I have no problem accesing the network and all connections appears to be up and running. I do worry whether network security has been compromised in some unseen way.


    Look forward to some further suggestions.



  • mas2
    mas2 Posts: 11 Security Scout
    I have generated a systems information log via the FS Support Tool. Let me know how I can best get this to you.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello mas2,


    Please, contact support. Support tool information is not enough in that case. We will need Firewall debug logs for investigation.


    Best regards,


  • mas2
    mas2 Posts: 11 Security Scout
    Thanks for the reply!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello mas2,


    One thing that can cause the situation you had described. Please, check Windows service: Base Filtering Engine. F-Secure Anti-Virus firewall daemon has a dependency on this service, and will not start, if it is not enabled/running.


    Best regards,


  • Deolicious
    Deolicious Posts: 6 Security Scout



    I was able to test 13.10 on a few machines ahead of time and it seems that this error has now gone away on those machines. We will be deploying this to all affected machines within 2 weeks and I'll post again if any of them still error out.

  • Deolicious
    Deolicious Posts: 6 Security Scout

    Unfortunately the error appears to have resurfaced on the machines mentioned previously. It did go away for up to 3 days but seems to have returned over the weekend.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Deolicious,


    We will need firewall debug logs from affected machine for investigation.

    Please, contact support.


    Best regards,


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    Problem confirmed even for fresh CS13.10 on a fresh, updated W10 box.

    FSDIAG uploaded yesterday, no response yet

  • mas2
    mas2 Posts: 11 Security Scout

    Thanks MJ for your posts.


    I can confirmed I have the same problem and have the same results in a newly set-up Win10 Pro system with all up to date patches on board. 


    I have also uploaded the files to support and awaiting further advice




    The service you mention is up and running.  Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello everybody,


    We can't reproduce the problem on our environments, but we have a potential fix. Please, contact support to try it.

    Let us know the results.


    Best regards,


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    new binaries fixed the problem on my end.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Thanks for checking! We will create a hotfix for CS 13.x, and publish it after few more confirmations that it works fine.


    Best regards,


  • mas2
    mas2 Posts: 11 Security Scout

    Fantastic news, MJ!!


    Great work Vad!!


    I'm still waiting for my binaries but I don't mind as both of you have solved the problem Smiley Wink

  • mas2
    mas2 Posts: 11 Security Scout

    Hi Vad


    Just an update to let you know that since I last posted, I have reinstalled Win10Pro and after updating everypatch up to and including falls creator feature update, the reinstallation of FSCS 13.10 is now successful using a fresh .jar file downloaded from FSecure and the error message "Anti-Virus firewall daemon stopped responding" has now dissappeared on its' own accord.


    I have not had to use any new binaries like MJ as I am still waiting for the new tech support to help me, but that is not required now.


    The only change in terms of Win10Pro behaviour is that I now get the "Firewalls are turned off. Your device may be vulnerable" message in the Windows Defender Security Centre console.


    There are no error icon on FSCS in the taskbar and all seems to be working in the FSCS 13.10 control console so I assume this is just due to the Win10PRo bug of not recognising FSecure Firewall as per the following post in the FSecure Community:


    Windows 10 Defender Security Center does not recognize the F-Secure Firewall 


    Thanks again for all your time and attention with the problem that I had.


    Much appreciated!


    Smiley Wink



This discussion has been closed.
