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blocking skype video conference after exactly 11 second.

DeniC Posts: 5 Security Scout

Hi ,


Probably F-secure blocking skype video conference after exactly 11 second.

Anyone have the same problem ?

On the same subnet work's fine but If I try connect via VPN  video conference end's after 11 seconds.







  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi DeniC,


    May I know which F-Secure product are you mentioning here? Also, what is the OS of the system?


  • DeniC
    DeniC Posts: 5 Security Scout

    WIN 10 pro

    F-Secure Client Security 12.31 build 105

    F-Secure Anti-Virus 9.52 build 239
    F-Secure Automatic Update Agent 9.02 build 105
    F-Secure User Interface 14.00 build 102
    F-Secure Management Agent 10.10 build 105
    F-Secure ORSP Client 1.2.13 build 113
    F-Secure DeepGuard 5.0 build 707
    F-Secure Online Help 3.03 build 677
    F-Secure Client Security Dostosowywanie 12.10 build 103
    F-Secure Web Traffic Scanner 3.01 build 276
    F-Secure Browsing Protection 2.01 build 483
    F-Secure Device Control 1.10 build 103

  • DeniC
    DeniC Posts: 5 Security Scout
    Windows 10 PRO
    F-Secure Client Security 12.31 build 105
  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master
    could you please do a countercheck with v13?
  • DeniC
    DeniC Posts: 5 Security Scout



    Still the same problem...

    Any idea to resolve it ? 

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello DeniC,


    Did you try to verify, that without Client Security the same machine have no issues (for example by unloading the product temporarily, or even by uninstalling it temporarily).

    If without the product, or with unloaded product video conference is not blocking, then there could be some incompatibility with the VPN you use (what is it, BTW?). In that case, please, contact support.


    Best regards,


  • DeniC
    DeniC Posts: 5 Security Scout

    First of all ...Thank you guys for your help and support :)

    Yes when I turn off and allow to move all traffic skype works fine...


This discussion has been closed.
