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Vendor list in Radar.. or PSB

Netconcepts Posts: 1 Security Scout

I have a thought..  a naughty list inside radar.  So in scanning networks, just about every device comes up with something.  Running down vendors and demonstrating holes in their products is overwheilming and at times not efficient use of time.  What if in Radar or someplace partners can share security issues in products and can mark them off as they are patched.  Items that come up cleaner than others can be posted as an alternative product... so instead of waiting endlessly for a patch.. I can switch out for a more secure product.  What we are going through is too much and I am tired of running testing for companies too lazy to do it on their own.


  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi Netconcepts,


    I have escalated your post internally.


    In the meantime, as a partner, we have a restricted Partner board where this could be discussed. You can access it from the Partner Portal home page.

  • Laksh
    Laksh Posts: 237 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hi Netconcepts,


    I see there is a case opened with support for this suggestion. This will be handled with support going forward and they will be emailing you for further communication.

This discussion has been closed.
