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PST file misery magnified after removal of traffic-level e-mail scanning from FSCS / FSPSB.

etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master

Dear Sirs,


Considering that NDIS-level e-mail flow scanning has been removed from FSAV PSB Computer Protection and FSAVCS 13, I think it would be important to add intra-PST file  disinfection and deletion capability to F-Secure endpoint products, in addition to the already existing detection-only capability.


Previously we could argue that incoming-outgoing SMTP/POP3/IMAP level message scanning protects the e-mail client from storing infected attachments or otherwise mailicious messages in its mail-folder file.


With that capability now gone, we cannot demand reasonably any more that users conduct fully manual sorting and deletion of detected-only threat messages in multiple gigabyte sized Outlook PST files, for example. Therefore, some technological development is needed for a proper  solution.


Thanks for your kind attention, Sincerely:
Tamas Feher, Hungary.


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