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Blocking of application through Deep Gaurd

ravi12 Posts: 57 Security Scout

We are trying to block some application in our client PC. we have entered the SHA1 hash value of the application and in trusted setting set as "NO'. But the user is able to install the application and use it. 

How to block the application.  

Aplication name-VMware-workstation-full-14.1.1-7528167.exe 

SHA1SUM: 06e0dd8615f5a085768605f26f31090f552f47e3


We tried in one of the client but application is not blocked.


Is there any other way to block the application.


We have also denied the unknown application in application control.


Please advise.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello ravi12,


    Due to performance issues, the size of blocking applications in DeepGuard is limited. Currently the limit is 35Mb. It will be increased to 50Mb soon.

    But, unfortunately, big installation packages like in your case, will not be covered in the near future.


    Best regards,


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    These kind of problems should be addressed using Windows own techniques.

    If a standard/non administrative user is allowed to install VMware Workstation you have a bigger problem and likely misunderstanding in IT-Security and I recommend to contract an IT-Security professional to have a look at yout IT-security policies and implementation.


    Please stop trying to use an anti malware solution like F-Secure to slove your basic IT-Security issues.




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