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Policy Manager Scheduled Scan doesn't start/is not shown in the local F-Secure Client

CT1956 Posts: 7 Security Scout

Hello F-secure experts,

a question from Germany. As shown in the subject our Policy Manager Scheduled Scan doesn't start. Is not shown in the local F-Secure Client Status monitor but in the Policy Manager Console: /b2018-03-08 /t19:00 /rdaily /asap, scan local drives


SBS2011, Clients Win 7/64 Bit and Win10/64 Bit, both with latest MS-updates,

Policy Manager 13.10.84021,

Client security 13.10


Where can I search?


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master
    Scheduled Scans are added to the local windows tasks.

    But please understand, that scheduled scans are from last millenium. today they do not give you any security but only eat performance and waste energy. A On-Access-Scan (Gatekeeper) with Reputation Service is state of the art (regardless of your AV-vendor!).
  • CT1956
    CT1956 Posts: 7 Security Scout

    OK, understood. Not longer necessary because of active Gatekeeper, E-Mail scans ...


    But what could be the reason, that also other settings are not transported/accepted as for example not to allow the user to change any settings.


    And what could be the reason, that scheduled scans will not be included in local tasks?


    Some other settings are indeed included in clients settings as our internal firewall rules.


    Christian Tietje, Germany

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master
    This looks like a deeper problem with communication between host and PMS.
    Either you give me a call (see contact data below) for a fast solution (in German).
    or you open a support case with F-Secure including an FSDIAG from the host (in English).
  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello CT1956,


    Please, try  /t19:00 /b2018-03-08 /rdaily /asap


    To check the existence of Scheduled Scan task on the client side, run Windows Task scheduler as administrator, and check the content of "Task Scheduler" > "Task Scheduler Library" folder. It should contain the scheduled task with the name you'd specified in Policy Manager Console.

    If the task is not present there, please, contact support.


    Note: don't check in "F-Secure" sub-folder of "Task Scheduler Library", it contains other scheduled tasks, not related to Virus scanning.


    Best regards,


  • CT1956
    CT1956 Posts: 7 Security Scout

    I checked the client's task scheduler. Indeed the task was created each time as tested and it worked, scheduled scan started at time.


    But further on the reason of my post was why the scheduled task is not shown in den local clients status window of F-Secure's Client Security (13.10)? In this obviously the Policy Manager settings are ignored, the scheduled scan is not shown as well as many other settings do not show any expected result.


    Apart from this the Firewall-Settings of internal IP-addresses are included in the local window of F-Secure Clients.

    What am I doing wrong in the Policy Manager console?

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    > why the scheduled task is not shown in den local clients status window of F-Secure's Client Security (13.10)?


    Local clients UI shows information about scheduled scan configured locally in Settings UI > Scheduled scanning.


    > Apart from this the Firewall-Settings of internal IP-addresses are included in the local window of F-Secure Clients.


    Sorry, I don't understand. Could you, please, provide a screenshot, and explain with more details, what is wrong.


    Best regards,


  • CT1956
    CT1956 Posts: 7 Security Scout

    firewall rule active

    PM, set rule to client: Policy-Manager-Settinglocal client, rule settig active, OK:

    Local Client Firewall active

    PM, allow user to change:

    PM-setting allow to changelocal client has not authority to change:

    local client, no change allowed

  • CT1956
    CT1956 Posts: 7 Security Scout

    sorry, images don't work


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    I see now, thank you. You are checking the wrong policy.

    Check the "Allow locally scheduled tasks" policy value, it's the next one under the Scheduled tasks table, and is set by you to "Not allowed".


    Best regards,


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