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Help needed

Michaël Posts: 2 Security Scout

Hi, my name is Michaël and i have been cyberstalked for a long time. I finally got evidence trough anti-virus pop us whow clearly says that someone is trying to infiltrated my pc, truned the evidence over to the local police but nothing is moving. I'ts really important for me to know  why these various people are stalking me on every elektonic device( pc,phone,tv,ps3);

Can anyone help me?

That would be awsome!


Thank you


  • Michaël
    Michaël Posts: 2 Security Scout



    Hi, my name is Michaël and i have been cyberstalked for a long time. I finally got evidence trough anti-virus pop us whow clearly says that someone is trying to infiltrated my pc, truned the evidence over to the local police but nothing is moving. I'ts really important for me to know  why these various people are stalking me on every elektonic device( pc,phone,tv,ps3);

    Can anyone help me?

    That would be awsome!


    Thank you


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    while we can not say if anyone is personally stalking you, it seems that you router is misconfigured.

    An external IP like should never be able to reach your IP which shows as on port 61073 without you having configured the router to forward that port.

    As such I recommend:
    1) download the latest firmware for your router to your PC.
    2) disconnect the router from the internet
    3) Reset the router to factory settings
    4) connect to the router again, now chose different complex admin password (not admin, 1234, password)

    5) install the firmware update from step 1

    6) reconfigure your router with the corrcet settings and reconnect to the internet.

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