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Client cannot get updated policy information

johnsmith1281 Posts: 6 Security Scout



PM running 13.10. Installed F-Secure 13.10.215 and in the client Settings > Other Settings > Central Management, when clicking on Check Now under Policy Information, it is not updating.


Running Windows 7 Enterprise.


C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\Logs\fspmsupport\nrb.log shows:


dc8-56c6d29c86bd&Counter=' to '"C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Common\CommDir\policies\policy.bpf"'
2018-03-14 10:25:26.727 UTC-00:00 0940:0B9C #1 Download of '/fsms/fsmsh.dll?FSMSCommand=GetPackage&Type=4&Identity0=5773d319-3949-45d9-8dc8-56c6d29c86bd&Counter=' finished. Http result status: 404 (Not Found)
2018-03-14 10:25:26.742 UTC-00:00 0940:0B9C #1 Preparing to upload task 2: from '"C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\Common\CommDir\status\orig.ipf"' to ''
2018-03-14 10:25:26.742 UTC-00:00 0940:0B9C #1 Upload to '/fsms/fsmsh.dll?FSMSCommand=UploadPackage&Type=5&Identity0=5773d319-3949-45d9-8dc8-56c6d29c86bd' finished. Http result status: 200 (OK)


Not sure why its coming up with Http result status: 404 (Not Found), any ideas?


  • johnsmith1281
    johnsmith1281 Posts: 6 Security Scout

    Have restarted machine several times.


    Policy information still showing Counter: 1. Timestamp is showing original time.

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