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desktop icons disabling

naidu Posts: 1 Security Scout

we are using f-secure business suite, on my server machine and few client machines desktop icons are disabling, when i log off and log in again icons appearing  but after some atomatically icons and apps disabling, task manager also disabling, we had run f-secure dignostic tool,  collected logs and sended to f-secure enginers they are saying no error found,

after disabling icons, i had run explorer.exe file by using command prompt -(if cmd is openned on that time) icons appearing. after some time again disable -- please help me


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello naidu,


    Probably you mean not "disable" but "disappear', right?


    Most likely I was checking the ticket related to your issue today. In Windows event logs there were no footprints of explorer.exe crashes.

    Could you, please:

    1. When you have the icons disappeared, check with Windows task manager, if explorer.exe process is present in the system.

    If yes, collect explorer.exe process dump from Windows task manager, and provide it to support together with diagnostic information from affected machine.

    If explorer.exe process is not present, it means that it has crashed, and in this case we will need full crash dump for investigation, again together with diagnostic information from affected machine.


    2. Try to disable real time scanning temporarily and check, if the issue will still happen.


    Best regards,


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