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How to remove Connection Control from FSCS 13

HQJaTu Posts: 3 Security Scout

I don't know the name of the buffon who wrote Connection Control, as I'd love to extend my gratitude of his/her low quality of work. So, I have to vent here in public.



Connection control does not work.


It triggers on, sometimes the call is correct, sometimes not, but this mode of "protection" cannot be disabled, deactivated or made to stop. There is no visual clue whatsover that the crappy thing is enabled nowhere on the computer besides connections being dropped. I've seen instructions on "how to end connection control session" in The Net, but none of those apply in my case. There is zero possibility of making the madness stop, besides rebooting the computer.


I can already hear hordes of people yelling "just click on the end session button and it will be ok again". I would love to do that, but no such button is available, visible or can be seen. The developers in their infinite wisdom are having zero affort in confirming if user would be able to see a visual clue on System Tray or anywhere in the Client Security settings.


Also, by "does not work" I mean, that when the stupid thing kicks on some of the open TCP-connections are left open, some are disconnected. The choice is random and cannot be changed. It would be really good, if there would be a possibility of saying "Hey I trust that application, let it be", but again the developers in their infinite wisdom made no such a choice available.


Also, as an example, the Firefox addon has plenty of failed software engineering in it. The addon can be disabled. If that is done, things get really interesting! :)
If addon is enabled on open of new window (not new tab), piece of information will be displayed instead of the targeted website, that Connection Control is active and there exists a button to add the website to a pool of trusted addresses. Can you guess what the button will do when clicked? Oh yes, you guessed right. Absolutely nothing.


If internet shield is installed, Connection Control cannot be deactivated.


And by "cannot be deactivated" I mean, that the darned thing is active regardless what the currently active policy has for Browsing Protection, Connection Control. Also, unsetting Browsing Protection checkbox on Client Security settings has absolutely no effect on the stupidity.



Hey people at F-Secure: Would it make sense to fix one or two of the 10-15 bugs the Connection Control has? Of just make it as a separate product so that I can not install it. I totally see the value in Browsing Protection, but bunding a piece of crap into it is totally unacceptable.


  • hyvokar
    hyvokar Posts: 163 Junior Protector
    "Also, by "does not work" I mean, that when the stupid thing kicks on some of the open TCP-connections are left open, some are disconnected. The choice is random and cannot be changed. It would be really good, if there would be a possibility of saying "Hey I trust that application, let it be", but again the developers in their infinite wisdom made no such a choice available."

    I complained about the same things a time ago, and I was told that no existing connections will be closed when the connection control kicks in, it's only preventing opening new connections.
    However, usually when CC pops out, all or some of my RDP sessions get disconnected. That's a crappy, since the connection control seems to jump in very randomly.

    I guess this is yet another feature I need to disable in our office environment.
  • hyvokar
    hyvokar Posts: 163 Junior Protector

    Oh and you can disable connection control from Policy Manger or from the client itself, it's under browsing protection.fsecu1.jpgfsecu2.jpg

  • HQJaTu
    HQJaTu Posts: 3 Security Scout

    I complained about the same things a time ago, and I was told that no existing connections will be closed when the connection control kicks in, it's only preventing opening new connections.
    However, usually when CC pops out, all or some of my RDP sessions get disconnected. That's a crappy, since the connection control seems to jump in very randomly.

    I guess this is yet another feature I need to disable in our office environment.

    I can demonstrate very easily, how my TCP-connections drop like flies when the ridiculous (already disabled) CC kicks in. But thanks for the info, good to know, that it's not the F-Secure -thing that drops them. Smiley Happy

  • HQJaTu
    HQJaTu Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Thanks for the suggestion. I have already done that. As I wrote, I have done everything in my power & understanding to keep the darned thing away. But it simply doesn't follow the policy I have in place.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello HQJaTu,


    Did you try to contact support regarding the problem, that the product is not following the policy? I've just re-checked CS 13.10 and can't get CC activated if it is disabled, either from local client UI or from Policy Manager Console.

    Absence of Connection Control window also requires diagnostic information from affected machine for investigation.

    Regarding false appearances. Connection Control can be triggered, for example, by some bank advertisement/banner on a website not directly related to banking.


    Best regards,


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