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F-secure installation fails when try to remove Symantec endpoint protection client.

zmajoshi Posts: 3 Security Scout

I noticed that last couple of days when I try to install F-Secure  13.10.215 client through Push install wizarad fails every time. 

I didn't have this problem until reacently. 

I tried it on various clients (Win10, 7) and even did export client and did offline install and it fails every time. 

Only thing that is changed is that clients did latest windows update everything else is the same. 

Here is the partial log from fssgsup.log file from client where installation failed:


1 667C 18/03/29 16:17:49 Try to uninstall 1 items:[543,]
1 667C 18/03/29 16:17:49 Removing conflicting software: '543'
1 667C 18/03/29 16:17:56 Some conflicting software were not removed: '543'
1 667C 18/03/29 16:17:56 Failed 1 automated sidegrade items:[543,//Symantec Endpoint Protection,]
1 667C 18/03/29 16:17:56 *** Stop logging... ***
3 667C 18/03/29 16:17:56 Error: Exception occured. Type: fs::BaseException, Reason: Automatic sidegrade failed, Function: fs::sidegrade::InstallationPlugin::removeConflicts2, File: "fssginst.cpp", Line: 339
1 667C 18/03/29 16:17:56 fs::sidegrade::writeFssetupResults(180,false)



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello zmajoshi,


    Sorry for delayed response. Is the problem still actual for you?

    If yes, please, contact support. We need more details about Symantec EP client installed on your machines.

    The sidegrade module comes from the channel, and could have some recent changes, which break the Symantec sidegrade.


    Best regards,


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