Configuration difference against root policy

joe1847 Posts: 10 Security Scout

Dear community,


is there a possibility to report configuration differences against root policy?

For example we have  set no scan exclusion on root policy. However on some policies below we have set exclusions. Is there a possibility to report these changes?


Thank you in advance!


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    It is a very good idea to run such "inheritance reports regularly and in the result keep it small.

    The changes you did on ROOT should always only be minimal (PMS-Communication) and not involve specific settings on exclusions. All these should be done in a subdomain (e.g. "Workstations").


    As a general rule of thumb: Exlusions are only a temporary fix. Any installation that does not work propperly without an exclusion is considered a bug and should be reported to F-Secure Support for fixing.

    (see earlier discusions on that topic)



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