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Could we change Customer ID on policy manager

Arsjupiter Posts: 46 Security Scout

Dear F-Secure team,


i would like to check that coulde i change the customer ID on policy manager ? is it possible?

if i do it, does it affect to the client on my company


Thank you !


  • Arsjupiter
    Arsjupiter Posts: 46 Security Scout

    Thank you  Mr.A-Grinkevitch, i have other question is: if the software version on my current license is 12.31 but the software version of my new license is higher, so could i do the change normally ?


    Brg !

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    Software versions and F-Secure licence paper have absolutely zero relationship, so please always use the latest versions if possible!


    You should ask the local entity that sold you the F-Secure licence to provide you with the 20-character (5x4 format) installation keycodes for the latest protection binary packages which can be downloaded at:


    Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, 2F 2000 Kft., Budapest, Hungary.

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