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after push installation new client not showing in Policy Manager

IT-ZSPH Posts: 3 Security Scout
Hello. I have problem with my F-Security Policy Manager. Newly installed client not showing in Policy Manager. I have tryed install server client, but now I can add it to Policy Manager. Both server - one with policy manager no active Firewalls. Installation from Policy Manager came successful. Have you ever have this situation? Thanks!


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello IT-ZSPH,


    We use https protocol to communicate between PM and client side. Please, make sure that such communication is possible. By default port 443 is used.

    You can also try to check c:\ProgramData\F-Secure\Logs\fspmsupport\nrb.log on the client side for some hints. Search for strings containing "#2" or "#3".

    If you can't identify the root, please, contact support.


    Best regards,


    IT-ZSPH Posts: 3 Security Scout
    I have checked file that you wrote and find string #2 Exception occurred. Type: Win32Exception, Reason: , Function: fs::net::detail::BaseWinHttpRequest::submit, File: "D:\\SDK\\fs\\fsnet\\1.1\\src\\WinHttpRequest.cpp", Line: 112, Error Code : 12029 What does it mean it?
    IT-ZSPH Posts: 3 Security Scout

    #3  Failed to get version from server "https://vl-krk.velebit.local/fsms/fsmsh.dll": Type: Win32Exception, Reason: , Function: fs::net::detail::BaseWinHttpRequest::submit, File: "D:\\SDK\\fs\\fsnet\\1.1\\src\\WinHttpRequest.cpp", Line: 112, Error Code : 12029

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