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Installation of Server Security on Windows Server 2003

Krist Posts: 4 Security Scout

When i install the Server Security on Windows Server 2003 the wizard ends prematurely.

The Server Security is probably not compatible with Server 2003?

Is there a solution? Thank you


  • fox
    fox Posts: 19 Security Scout

    What version are you installing? Last version to support Windows Server 2003 was 11.01.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Krist,


    Support of Windows Server 2003 was dropped in SS 12.x versions. This is visible in 12.00 version release notes:

    SS version 11.01 can be installed on this OS, but support of this version had ended a year ago.

    So, unfortunately, we don't have a solution for you.


    Best regards,


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master
    What is the reason that you want to install the PMS to an old Server?
    Beside installing it to a recent version you could also install to a Linux box...
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