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Disable Hosts File Protection in PSB?

DanHeather Posts: 1 Security Scout

Does anyone know of a way to disable the Hosts file protection in PSB?  F-Secure support tells me that it cannot be disabled.  This is odd and somewhat difficult in some scenarios.  Why allow the selection of Hosts file protection in Client Security and not in PSB?  Does turning off "Intrusion Protection" in PSB disable F-Secure's ability to modify the hosts file?  If not, can anyone suggest why not?



  • nayan007
    nayan007 MyAccount Posts: 7 Security Scout

    It is not possible. To know why, you have to get in touch with the technical support team

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader



    If on your PSB portal you have a possibility to launch Profile Editor in full mode, you can disable this feature in your security profile:

    F-Secure Anti-Spyware -> Settings -> Anti-Spyware Scanner -> Real-Time Scanning -> Real-Time Scanning Options -> Protect the “Hosts” file.


    Other workaround is to use chtest.exe utility for modifying the policy setting manually on the host. By default it’s not final, so you should be able to modify it.

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