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DeepGuard blocks windows defender (msmpeng.exe)

vlit Posts: 3 Security Scout



we currently have Client Security 13.11 build 110 installed on various Win10 machines.

Nearly daily we get 1 - 5 Notifications about DeepGuard Security alerts regarding blocked msmpeng.exe.

account: SYSTEM
Product: F-Secure DeepGuard (OID:
Severity: security alert (5)
Message: Action by malware was blocked.
Malware path: c:\programdata\microsoft\windows defender\platform\4.18.1807.18075-0\msmpeng.exe
File hash: 82e7ffb4e780bf16f3c42d52e2c6b0a4ef48732c



I have tried to exclude the filehash a few times on the PM, without success, also hash changes a lot, so thats not really a solution.

Any advice?


  • vlit
    vlit Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Hello Vad,


    i had already added "msmpeng.exe" alone in this section, but as it states it needs full paths -> didn't work that way.

    i will try it with the full paths of reported msmpeng.exe now (fortunately there are only 2 different paths at the moment where msmpeng.exe lives). Will report if any notifications get send again. Thank you for now!

    excluded apps now:

    c:\programdata\microsoft\windows defender\platform\4.18.1807.18075-0\msmpeng.exe
    c:\programdata\microsoft\windows defender\platform\4.12.17007.18022-0\msmpeng.exe

  • vlit
    vlit Posts: 3 Security Scout
    Hello, i can confirm that i didn't got any more notifications about defender from 13.11 Clients. Thank you!
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