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Version PMC Shows

liaemars Posts: 1 Security Scout



I have a bunch of servers managed by FSPMC. FSPMC shows incorrect version for all the servers in Status to installed software. It shows me that the Product installed would be Server Security version 12.00, when infact every server has Server Security version 12.11 installed. 


If I remove the servers from the console and wait for them to reappear, the product and version is still wrong.


My best guess would be that before we've had ss12.00 installed, and I'm not sure how the sspr12.11 has been installed. 
Is there any other way to sync these, expect reinstalling sspr to each server ?




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello liaemars,


    We have hotfixes for fixing the version visibility in PM Console. Please, contact support. We will need precise information what product (SS/ESS, Standard/Premium) you had before the upgrade, and what product you'd upgraded to, in order to provide you a proper hotfix.


    Best regards,


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