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error number 0 : unsupported server version

spunamo Posts: 2 Security Scout



Today, I checked the health of my anti-virus environnment by connecting to my Policy Manager (fspm-13.11.84108) and I was suprized to see all of my clients are disconnected since 13/10 !


To be honest, I don't remember if this day (13/10) I updated PM or not (I had do it but when ?)


On a client, I can see that on the log :

1 2018-11-02 10:58:45+01:00 PC-XXXX SYSTEM F-Secure Management Agent
F-Secure Management Agent n'a pu se connecter au serveur et fonctionne désormais en mode hors ligne. (erreur numéro 0 : Unsupported server version.)


May the communication is aborted when PM version is 13.11.84108 and client are 13.10215 ?


Thanks for your help,




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