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Upgrade FSPMS from 12.40 to 13.11 in Linux

pishta W/ Alumni Posts: 3 Security Scout

Hi everyone,


I can't find this exact scenario for Linux. I've downloaded the 13.11 RPM but I can see that there's no FSAUA anymore, so I suspect that things aren't quite the same.


Is there a change in the upgrade procedure from 12.40 to 13.11, and if so, what is it?

It's a production server, and I wouldn't like to lose the defined domains and policies, and that's why I address you.


All the bests,



  • pishta
    pishta W/ Alumni Posts: 3 Security Scout
  • pishta
    pishta W/ Alumni Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Yeah, thanks. At the end I didn't uninstall AUA at all, just disabled it.

    Works fine now.

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