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What is up with these connections?!

JohnWick Posts: 22 Security Scout


I've asked similar question before in this formum, but I keep getting a bit frustrated about this kind of  new internet connection attempts.


How should I (or any of my users) possibly know if "SkypeApp" is ok? Sure, the IP points is Microsoft owned, but how sure am I just because of that? Could it be a via Azure (which means from anyone)? Form what I found Azure has,","" in the 40.115.* range so probably not. Is that enough? 




And when it comes to the location, who can I get details about that so that I know exactly which binary it is that asks? So I can check if it is a signed Microsoft binary for example. 





  • JohnWick
    JohnWick Posts: 22 Security Scout

    It is probably (!) this one. Not signed, way to go Microsoft!


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