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alerts forwarding to IBM Qradar SIEM are not parsing

Shekhar Posts: 5 Security Scout


I am forwaring F secure PM alerts and notifications to IBM Qradar SIEM over syslog but events which are recievied to IBM Qradar are unparsed. Kindly let me know whether we can resolve this from F secure side or Can I check with IBM support.




  • Shekhar
    Shekhar Posts: 5 Security Scout

    yes we are able to see the logs at SIEM we will check wih IBM

  • Tomasz_009
    Tomasz_009 Posts: 1 Security Scout



    We also sending event from F-Secure to QRadar. Event aren't parsing so you need create own DSM for this events - if I good know, IBM don't have native DSM for F-Secure events.

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