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Issues during upgrade from 13 to 14

MohammadReza Posts: 31 Security Scout



We have some strange problems during upgrade FSCS. Is everyone have same problems?


We did upgrade Client Security 14 Standard to Premium. Then during upgrade progress all clients securities uninstalled.  And We had this expreience during upgrade from 13 to 14 on some cases.

Actually we lost our FSCS products on clients if we run any upgrade case. (of cource this is about 5 customer, others were OK.)



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello MohammadReza,


    We had recently published the new version of CS 14.01 on our website, which have a reinstall/repair/shifting functionality fixed/supported. Please, use it in your future upgrade/shifting scenarios.


    Best regards,


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