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How to install hotfixes in PMC13.12

hyvokar Posts: 163 Junior Protector



I need to install hotfixes for FSCSPr 13.11 machines. 

I downloaded and imported hotfix (same thing with .fsfix) to FSPMC installation packages. When I go to "Installation" tab, there's no "hotfix" available for the cspr hosts. 


When I check "status" tab, it says that no host has hotfixes installed.


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    the way you try to do it is correct. the FSFIX is basically the very same file with a different extention and can be executed locally at each client by doublicking it.

    From PMC select a host running V13.12, in the right pane gotzo status, switch to advanced view.


    what version does the branch "Internet Shield" show?

    it must be between 10.00 and 10.10.



  • hyvokar
    hyvokar Posts: 163 Junior Protector

    One more question. I have couple of dozens of servers, which some of them has HF100 installed. Can I just 'reinstall' the HF100 on the server OU, or do I have to install hf100 to the servers missing hotfix individually?

  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master
    Re-Installation of a Hotfix should not cause a problem, but it might create a "pending reboot". Check that on one system first.
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