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Importing policy file manually in Server Security?

LauriP Posts: 2 Security Scout



Is it possible to manually import the policy file to Server Security (v12.12), like it is for Client Security (

For some reason, when we migrate from one in-house Policy Manager server to another and for that, changed the Management URL address in the old server's policy file, some servers do not connect to the new server and I'd like to manually import the new policy file to those servers.




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Lauri,


    Unfortunately, this is impossible from the server product UI.

    Probably, Keyreplacer hotfix can help you. Please, contact support.


    Best regards,


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    While it is possible by stopping services, replacing the BPF, and restarting, you would need a dedicated BPF for each system. 

    Fixing the settings by standard Keyreplacer will not be possible either, if these were set to "final/locked".

    So the best chance is to find out where they try to connect and provide a PMS at that address/port (via a temporary server or a redirection). Then reimport and send them to the new server again.



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