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How to list new hosts allready imported in policy manager

AkuL Posts: 2 Security Scout



I have simple question.

How to see list of hosts based on which hosts wore recentely imported to the policy manager?

I can see all hosts but which are the newest ones?


Previously there was an selection "mark new hosts with ! sign". Im using policy manager version 14.


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello AkuL,


    If you don't have any import rules configured for new hosts, PM will collect all new hosts in New hosts table, reachable from "Pending" link in the top left corner of PMC.

    There are no other ways to list the new hosts in PM 14 versions.


    Best regards,


  • AkuL
    AkuL Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Thanks for replying.


    Any button or column of "host was first seen" would be handy.


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    Each host has its own policy counter.
    So if a host is really new and never had a policy before, the counter should be "1" after a fresh autoimport.

    also the logfile fspms-domain-tree-audit.log contains this
    <date/time> [audit.domainTree] - User 'fspms' added host ...

    should be aesy to do a daily grep on that.

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