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Clients doesn't connect to the Policy Manager anymore

BGruene Posts: 1 Security Scout


my Clients (Client Security 14.02 and Server Security 14.00) can't connect to Policy Manager anymore (Version 14.10) since some days. That means, that no client doesn't get any Policy, update or installation.


The update protocol of all clients shows the error code 201 (timeout)

2019-06-04 09:28:19.546 [122c.1494] I: Connecting to "policy manager adress":80/guts2 (proxy "proxyserver":80)
2019-06-04 09:28:49.569 [122c.1494] I: Update check failed, error=201 (timed out)


The adress and the ports for the policy manager are correct. No changes were made. 


Have you an idea, what i can do?


Best regards


  • A_Grinkevitch
    A_Grinkevitch Posts: 169 Threat Terminator

    Hello BGruene,
    First of all, check if PM and proxyserver are up and running. The easiest way is to open http://policy manager adress:80 and https://policy manager adress:443 in the browser configured to use proxyserver.

    If you get the same timeout error, try http://localhost in PMS host’s browser. If ok, check firewall settings as something might block incoming connections. And if not - try to restart the FSPMS service.

    If you need further investigation, please collect fsdiag from the PM host.


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