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FSCSPr 13.11 How to turn on "notify me when installing updates" for multiple computers

hyvokar Posts: 163 Junior Protector



I'd need to enable "Notify me when installing updates" company wide. Because I'm feeling quite lazy, I'm not going to do this manually for each computer.


I've set "Notify about intallation" to 'Yes' in PMC, but it didnt help.

Any ideas, how to do this?


  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    Did you try the advanced settings?


  • hyvokar
    hyvokar Posts: 163 Junior Protector

    Hi Matthias!



    Do you mean I should set that to "no" ?



  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master
    if you want that notification -> "yes"
    if not -> "no"
    "final" if you want to force that value to all clients
  • hyvokar
    hyvokar Posts: 163 Junior Protector



    and thank you for your reply.



    The setting was already set to "yes" as described in my first post. Locking the setting solved the problem. Thanks!

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