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Re: protection malfunction

tom1855 Posts: 7 Security Scout



I have the same problem with the 14.10 client security premium version. This occurs on differents PC with Win7 or Win10 OS versions. The computers belong to an active directory domain.




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader



    There could be several reasons. One of them, for clean installations - the product can't download updates for any reason. To verify, you can select "Check for updates" in F-Secure tray icon context menu. Normally, there should be 10+ received updates in the list with status "Installed".


    If you can't identify the reason, please, provide the diagnostic information from one of affected machines to our support.


    Best regards,


  • tom1855
    tom1855 Posts: 7 Security Scout

    I thank you for your help.


    We've just seen that we can't update our clients from our policy manager. This problem occurs with several versions of the client security premium.


    We've just restarted our policy manager server and the problem seems to be disapeared.

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