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AV update delta

Jaro Posts: 21 Security Scout


What is "AV update delta" in Policy manager - Status - Automatic updates?

Most computers have 1 hour but some have >100 hours even if they are online and connected.




  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master



    "delta" is the difference between last status update and AV-Updates, when the status was generated. last staus update is listed as last connection time.

    when a (rarely used) machine boots up it sends a status, befor it has finished installing updates. Has the machine been shut down again before the next status update the difference may be 100h.


    What F-Secure version are those systems?

    What is the local information on those systems?



  • Jaro
    Jaro Posts: 21 Security Scout

    These problem PCs have old AV updates and nothing helps but to manually run fsaua-reset tool. FCS version is 9.31. The local log says something like connected to server but nothing new available.

  • garlangreeny
    garlangreeny MyAccount Posts: 10 Security Scout

    Looks like you have to check for updates every once in a while. Some problems are fixed when updated, but some problems are made on the same process. image

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