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Windows Server 2019 / Exchange 2019 with VM

Manuel_Dengler Member Posts: 3 Security Scout



we planed to install a new Server with new hardware.


We will install Windows Server 2019 local on the machine, and than we will use 2 VMs.


1 VM Windows Server 2019: AD, Fileserver, Printserver, Database for Apps.

2 Vm Windows Server 2019 with Exchange 2019


Is this correct, that i will install the PM on VM1, and only install the Server Security 14 on VM1?

On VM2 should install Server and Email Security 12.12?

Must i install the Server Security on the local installed Windows Server 2019, too?



regards Manuel.



  • Manuel_Dengler
    Manuel_Dengler Member Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Hi Jamesch,


    thx for the answer.

    i saw that the ESS 12.12 don't  support the Exchange 2019.


    Is there a newer version out yet?


    regards manuel

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 559 W/ Moderator

    Hi Manuel


    No ETA on newer version, but we do have a latest build of ESS 12.12 which supports Exchange 2019.
    Please let me know if you want that, and I will send the link through private message.
  • Manuel_Dengler
    Manuel_Dengler Member Posts: 3 Security Scout

    Hi, yes please send me a Link.




    regards Manuel

  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 559 W/ Moderator

    Hi Manuel


    Please check your messages. I have sent you the link for ESS12.12 standard

This discussion has been closed.
