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Software Updater - Reboot Notification

DaFit Posts: 12 Security Scout

I have some questions to the Notification:


- is it possible to activate the button "later" instead of "restart" as default?

 Cause we had some Users who are wroting a letter and by hiting enter, the pc will restart.


- why the popup shows again when i shutdown and power on the PC instead of restart? 


- is it possible to set a time between pressing later and the Notification popup again?


Thank you

Best regards



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello DaFit,


    > - is it possible to activate the button "later" instead of "restart" as default?

    Yes, this problem will be fixed in CS 14.20.


    > - why the popup shows again when i shutdown and power on the PC instead of restart? 

    Please, make sure that you do a real restart, not sleep or hibernate.


    - is it possible to set a time between pressing later and the Notification popup again?

    This possibility will be also added in CS 14.20.


    Best regards,


  • DaFit
    DaFit Posts: 12 Security Scout

    Hello Vad,


    is there a release date for CS 14.20?


    > - why the popup shows again when i shutdown and power on the PC instead of restart? 

    > -Please, make sure that you do a real restart, not sleep or hibernate.

    I now tried it on two different Notebooks with different Windows updates with the same result.

    I clicked  "later" on both devices, then i go to shutdown.

    The update now install, wait for power off and power on again.

    After login the restart Notification popup. I click on restart in the notification.

    After this reboot there ist no notification poping up.


    Best regards,


  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello DaFit,


    There is no exact date for CS 14.20 release yet. Current plan is to release it still this year.


    Regarding the restart issue, I was not able to reproduce the issue on my test environments. Could you, please, contact support, and provide the diagnostic information from one of machines, which are still showing F-Secure reboot notification immediately after reboot.


    Thank you in advance,



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