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Citrix XenApp published apps, Session no logoff

Steven_ Posts: 20 Security Scout



since we installed on our citrix server the new "Server Security Premium 14.00 1958" after closing remote Apps f-Secure holds the session "up".


Is there a hotfix?


citrix-1.jpgWith open Appcitrix-2.jpgWith closed published App, F-Secure Server Security Premium - Notification Icon hold the session


Best regards



  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Steven,


    If I understand your scenario correctly, there could be 2 possible solutions.


    From Citrix side, please check recommendations in Seamless_Configuration.pdf, which can be downloaded here:


    From F-Secure side we have a workaround, which disables F-Secure tray icon appearance. To do that, add new DWORD registry value StartupDelay with HEX "ffffffff" into


    (for 64 bit machines). You will need to restart the server, or fshoster service to take this change in use.


    Best regards,


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