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14.10 Security Premium isn't Premium

farmersLSD Posts: 23 Security Scout

I have a ticket in, but it's taken two weeks so far and not getting anywhere yet.  Not sure why this wasn't brought up in the first ticket, but now they're telling me the client I have installed isn't Premium, just Standard. 


I have the Premium package in the Policy Manager.  We are licensed for Premium.  I only get one license, not one for Premium and one for Standard, so not sure where the disconnect is.


We need the content filtering to work for some off-site laptops.  Right now we have no filtering for them due to the time this has taken to get resolved.


I was under the assumption that Standard and Premium were one client now, anyway, and the version was determined by the license.


  • JamesC
    JamesC Staff, Moderator Posts: 559 W/ Moderator

    Hi farmersLSD


    F-Secure Client Security installation package now only comes in 1 installer package. The installer package will identify the subscription key used and install either Client Security Standard or Client Security Premium accordingly. 
    Can you please send me a private message, what license key did you use to install ?
  • farmersLSD
    farmersLSD Posts: 23 Security Scout

    I contacted support and they said it's a Standard key.  This is the email I got for 14.x:


    CLIENT SECURITY 14.00 Dear customer, We are happy to announce that version 14.00 of Client Security (Windows) is now available.  If you have a valid license for Client Security, you can upgrade to the latest version with the keycode below. 

    Client Security 14.00 requires the new Policy Manager 14.00, which does not need a keycode.

    Please see the release notes for the full information on changes, known issues, supported platforms, etc. The software and release notes can be downloaded from the F-Secure website via the button below. If you need any additional help or information, please call your local F-Secure office or reseller, who will be more than happy to help.

    Your Client Security 14.00 keycode is: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX


    The problem is that I never got a new license certificate like I did with 12.x or 13.x.  I just got that email sent to me, so thought it was valid. 


    Two issues I have, why did I get sent a license that isn't for the version I have?  Second, why don't I get a new license certificate when a new version is release without my requesting it.  When v13 came out I had to ask for it.  When 14.x came out, I got a key, but it's not the right one.  How am I supposed to know it's not correct?  Why should I have to request a new license certificate?  You obviously have my email, and what version I'm licensed for, so there should be a way to automated the retrieval of said licenses, or even tie them to the customer number so they're automatically available.


    Moral of the story, don't assume.  Support said to contact re-seller, so I contacted re-seller, now re-seller just says, yep, you have a valid license.  This, I already know.

  • farmersLSD
    farmersLSD Posts: 23 Security Scout

    Thanks for your help.

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