F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper on Linux solution silently discontinued?

etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master

Dear Sirs,


This week we wished to renew a 20-seat "FSAV IGK 5.50 on Linux" license for one of our customers but F-Secure staff responded that they no longer deal in that product. I can't understand that, since:


- Official company "EOL" documentation show it as a current and supported product:




Product version: F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper 5.50 on Linux
Release date: 14.6.2017
End-of-Life date: 31.12.2020
Status: Current version
Security Hotfixes provided: yes

Non-Security Hotfixes provided: yes


- The "FSAV IGK 5.50" product webpage is available for view and download on the F-Secure portal as usual:



- The above webpage shows that "FSAV IGK 5.50" product received a post-installation hotfix this July, so it is a maintained software and hasn't been abandoned.


Please tell us what's going on? If the FSIGKLNX license cannot be renewed, I'm afraid we may have to offer a solution from a competing vendor's portfolio.


Thanks in advance, Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.


This discussion has been closed.
