F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper on Linux solution silently discontinued?

Dear Sirs,
This week we wished to renew a 20-seat "FSAV IGK 5.50 on Linux" license for one of our customers but F-Secure staff responded that they no longer deal in that product. I can't understand that, since:
- Official company "EOL" documentation show it as a current and supported product:
Product version: F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper 5.50 on Linux
Release date: 14.6.2017
End-of-Life date: 31.12.2020
Status: Current version
Security Hotfixes provided: yes
Non-Security Hotfixes provided: yes
- The "FSAV IGK 5.50" product webpage is available for view and download on the F-Secure portal as usual:
- The above webpage shows that "FSAV IGK 5.50" product received a post-installation hotfix this July, so it is a maintained software and hasn't been abandoned.
Please tell us what's going on? If the FSIGKLNX license cannot be renewed, I'm afraid we may have to offer a solution from a competing vendor's portfolio.
Thanks in advance, Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.
I've just received a response from F-Secure support, confirming that:
"F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper is End of Sales since the 31st of March 2019."
I wish however, that F-Secure's webpages and official documentation could be updated to correctly reflect the situation, for example:
Thanks for your kind attention, Sincerely: Tamas Feher.
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Dear F-Secure,
I wish to ask if the new "F-Secure Atlant" product is essentially the version 6 of FSAV Internet Gatekeeper on Linux? (We were told half a year ago that FSAV IGK 5 on Linux is discontinued and renewals cannot be sold for it.)
Thanks in advance, Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, 2F 2000 Kft., Hungary.
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Hi Tamas,
Atlant is evolution of Scanning and Reputation Server that can be used:
- to enhance your own system/service/solution with scanning and detecting malware capabilities
- to replace deprecated IGK ICAP server
- to replace SRS in Virtual Security solution
Main features of Atlant are:
- REST interface with cyphering and authentication for scanning and configuration
- legacy ICAP interface for scanning
- automated updates
- open source examples for scanning and configuring Atlant with different programming languages
RPM: https://download.f-secure.com/corpro/atlant/current/f-secure-atlant-1.0.7-1.x86_64.rpm
DEB: https://download.f-secure.com/corpro/atlant/current/f-secure-atlant_1.0.7-1_amd64.deb
More information:
F-Secure Community: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Linux-Products/Atlant-Change-Log/td-p/120778
Help Center: https://help.f-secure.com/product.html#business/atlant-api/latest/en
GitHub: https://github.com/F-Secure/atlant-api
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