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F-Secure Email and Server Security

DimitarKinanev1 Posts: 2 Security Scout



I want to ask if the hotfixes for the old products (FS for Windows Servers, Exchange and so on) are the same for the new products, F-Secure Email and Server Security and F-Secure Server Security




  • Dmitriy
    Dmitriy Posts: 179 Threat Terminator



    The hotfixes released for FSAV for Windows/Citrix Servers 9.0 and FSAV for MS Exchange 9.10 products are not applicable to E-mail and Server Security 9.20. However, E-mail and Server Security 9.20 already includes all fixes made for those products. So, you don't need to worry.

  • DimitarKinanev1
    DimitarKinanev1 Posts: 2 Security Scout

    Thank you!

  • suntattood
    suntattood MyAccount Posts: 14 Security Scout

    I have the same question and good thing it has been answered. Thanks. image

This discussion has been closed.
