F-Secure Software Updater using Command line / Software Updater install on Shutdown

Datsspeed Posts: 4 Security Scout

Hello F-Secure Community,


is there a possibilty to run the F-Secure Software Updater with command line options and / or to start the installation of the Software Updater when the System is shutting down?


Thx and best regards.


  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 205 W/ Former Staff

    Hi Datsspeed,

    In order to start the installation when the system is shutting down:


    In Policy Manager Console (Advanced View)
    * Settings > F-Secure Software Updater > Settings > Automatic Installation > Install at =


    This setting defines the time of day in the automatic update installation schedule. Here you may specify the time when the system is shut down daily. The installation will then start at the specified time.



  • Datsspeed
    Datsspeed Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Hello Monika,


    thank you for your answer. I know this feature in the policy Manager, but it isnt a Solution that we can run in our Company. We have a lot of Client systems without fix start or shutdown time. So i need a feature like commandline update and i cann write my own powershell script or an shutdown feature of f-secure. If there is no solution i must make still the update manually and i cant use the update feature of f-secure.


    Thank You and best regards :)


  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 205 W/ Former Staff

    Hi Datsspeed,


    Launching form command line is not possible.
    In CS 14.20/PM 14.40, we will have a possibility to start Software Updater automatic actions immediately after booting up if the scheduled event happened when the machine was down.



  • Datsspeed
    Datsspeed Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Hello Monika,


    thank you for your answer. Would be a nice feature. Is there a information when pm 14.40 will be released?


    thank you


    best regards 


  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 205 W/ Former Staff

    Hi Datsspeed,


    The Policy Manager 14.40 is expected to be released in Q1 2020.



  • Datsspeed
    Datsspeed Posts: 4 Security Scout

    Hello Monika,


    i saw the relase from PM14.40 and FS14.20. But i cant find the future to install Updates with the Software Updater after Boot. Is it integratet allready or does it come with an later Update?

  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 205 W/ Former Staff

    Hi Datsspeed,


    The new release includes the below features and improvements for Software updater:
    Fixed an issue with installing Microsoft Service Packs using Software Updater. It was impossible to install Service Packs that did not have a dedicated URL referring to the installer.

    The Settings > Windows > Software Updater section has the following new settings added:
    > Run the task even if a scheduled task is missing.
    > Allow further installation of software updates before restarting.



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