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v11 download?

krisvdv Posts: 31 Security Scout

We still have a few Windows 2003 servers running (don't ask), and if I'm not mistaken, we need Server Security v11 for this.  The problem is that I can't find a location where I can download this version. Does anyone know? thanks!


  • MonikaL
    MonikaL Posts: 205 W/ Former Staff

    Hi krisvdv,


    Support for Server Security 11 series has been dropped since June, 2017 and Support for Windows Server 2003 has been dropped since Server Security version 12.x. You are advised to take steps to plan a migration to a more recent (and supported) operating system for the security of your environment.


    You need to have a minimum of Windows Server 2008 to install the latest Server Security product.

    The older versions of Server Security are not available for download. The latest product can be downloaded from here:



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