Share Your Views and Win a WithSecure Hoodie 🎉

LiselotteP Staff, Community Manager Posts: 472 W/ Community Manager

We Want Your Opinion! Share Your Views and Win a WithSecure Hoodie 🎉

We’re running a quick poll to understand the key factors you consider when evaluating a product or service. Your input will help us better understand what matters most to you!

It only takes a few minutes to complete, and if you choose to provide your email at the end, you'll be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win a WithSecure hoodie! 🎁

👉 Take the poll here


  • SEP
    SEP Member Posts: 1 Security Scout


    je viens de répondre au sondage…..😥

    Comment est il possible d'avoir ce sweat à capuche autrement que par tirage au sort….?

  • LiselotteP
    LiselotteP Staff, Community Manager Posts: 472 W/ Community Manager

    Bonjour @SEP!

    Merci d'avoir répondu au sondage ! 😊

    Le sweat à capuche rencontre en effet beaucoup de succès ! Pas d'inquiétude, il y aura d’autres occasions de le remporter lors de futurs concours et giveaways. Restez connecté(e) pour ne pas manquer les prochaines opportunités !
