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Web Traffic Scanning - FSecure Client Security

Marshal Posts: 8 Security Scout



I have issue with Juniper/Citrix Clients not able to launch and I found out that uninstalling the Web Traffic Scanning module does fix the issue.


What could be the reason for Web Traffic Scanning blocking the site data?





  • pusaqall
    pusaqall MyAccount Posts: 7 Security Scout

    I also got the same problem which lead me to uninstalling Web Traffic Scanner. I want its feature, but due to this problem, I don't have a choice, but to remove it. Any suggestion? image

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    > I have issue with Juniper/Citrix Clients not able to launch and I found out that uninstalling the Web Traffic Scanning module does fix the issue.


    In case of Citrix, using the bigger keycode to install FSAV ESS 9.20, your users will be protected from web traffic on the terminal server side. Theroretically speaking, this means uninstalling workstation-local WTS is not a big problem, I think?


    However, I have no knowledge of Juniper. Maybe submit an FSDIAG to F-Secure support of that problem. They are very responsive.



  • Marshal
    Marshal Posts: 8 Security Scout



    Thanks for the response guys, what is the usual process to raise a FS incident ?



  • Dmitriy
    Dmitriy Posts: 179 Threat Terminator

    You can submit a problem via this online form:

  • Marshal
    Marshal Posts: 8 Security Scout

    Thanks, I have raise a support call with F-Secure via the link and submitted the FSDIAG logs from Policy manager server.


    I will wait for the response and see what is the solution, however I have disabled the F-Secure Web TRaffic Scanner on the console and distributed the policy still it is getting block not sure why this behaviour is observed.



  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master



    could all of you please state what OS and versions are involved in the problem?



  • Marshal
    Marshal Posts: 8 Security Scout



    We have fixed the issue, we had to disable the WebTraffic Scanner and Uncheck Scan for Cookie tracking option on the Policy manager.




  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    Still it would be nice what versions are in use... WTS was changed several times...

  • Marshal
    Marshal Posts: 8 Security Scout

    Policy Manager ver 10.0 and OS windows 2008 Standard - Client - Windows 7 Sp1.




  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 669 Firewall Master

    And Client Security is 9.31 I hope.


    Please upgrade to PM 10.01 asap .

    see Releasenotes of PM10.01



  • klauzser
    klauzser MyAccount Posts: 12 Security Scout

    Are these their latest software updates? Thanks. image

This discussion has been closed.
