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fs4wks, how to upgrade deepguard 3 to 4?

Duke MyAccount Posts: 2 Security Scout

im using fs4wks, fscs or fs4wks now is deepguard 3, but it can't remember rules that allowed by user.


so im about to uninstall it. i saw someone can get deepguard4 and using on fscs. How do they upgrade deepguard 3 to 4?


  • garlangreeny
    garlangreeny MyAccount Posts: 10 Security Scout

    You may want to search the whole forum as someone might have already asked something about this one. image

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    Currently the corporate-purposed, centrally managed F-Secure protection products use the DeepGuard 3 technology. DeepGuard version 4 is only available in the F-Secure Internet Security 2012 / 2013 offering, which are meant to protect home users and home-offices.



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