Not able to open "Protection Service" menu from client

UppsalaNet Posts: 2 Security Scout

After sucsessful installation of "F-Secure PSB Workstation" via ritool. Im not able to open the "Protection Service" dialog on the client from by right click on the icon. I think it'll open a window but where? I've deployed 100 clients xp and win7 and 10 clients have this problem.




  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello Fredrik,


    Did I understand you correct, that you can't open the main User Interface window from F-Secure Icon menu?

    Did you restart clients after installation? Can you open Protection Service UI from Start menu?

    If this doesn't help, take a look at Windows Apllication and System event logs. Are there any F-Secure specific errors in them?

    If event logs doesn't provide any clue, please contact support. We'll need to check Support Tool reports, collected from problematic clients to find the reason.


    Best regards,


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