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Need a way to uninstall McAfee agent remotely on clients

Jaro Posts: 21 Security Scout


A bigger customer has swiched from McAfee to F-secure and they want help with installing F-secure. F-secure will not install because of McAfee Agent 4.5 and VirusScan Enterprise 8.x. F-secure can uninstall the VirusScan modue but fails with the Agent and the whole installation fails.


F-secure support told me to Call McAfee or to manually walk around uninstalling McAfee ;-(


I hope somebody here can help me.


this will uninstall the agent but the user have to allow UAC window so its not so good


"C:\Program Files\McAfee\Common Framework\frminst.exe" /forceuninstall


"C:\Program Files\McAfee\Common Framework\frminst.exe" /forceuninstall /silent


  • johan65
    johan65 Posts: 20 Security Scout




    The problem is connected to the rights to stop McAfee services. These settings is made within McAfee Management Server, (ePolicyOrchestrator Console), and have to be changed before F-Secure deployment, using uninstall tool within F-Secures installer.


    Please read this article and hopefully it will help you:

  • johan65
    johan65 Posts: 20 Security Scout




    According to F-Secure information whish McAfee products and McAfee versions is going to be uninstalled during installation of F-Secure, I guess the uninstaller will not uninstall later versions then McAfee Agent and McAfee AntiSpyware Enterprise Module



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