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Clients can't access PM

tomoff Posts: 9 Security Scout

9.x clients can't access Policy Manager 9 and 10 on the 2008 R2 or 2003 R2 SP2 Server when Windows Firewall is on. 80 and 8080 ports are open.


What needs to be done?


  • Peter
    Peter Posts: 127 Threat Terminator


    Windows 2008



    Step 5 in the solution should prove useful.

    Windows 2003


    Open properties for your "Local Area Connection" > Advanced > Windows Firewall > Settings > Exceptions > "Add Port" and so forth.

    From "Change Scope", select your subnet(s) for which the rule shall apply.

  • tmalm
    tmalm Posts: 6 Security Scout

    Are you able to "see" the F-Secure Policy Manager by IE (http) from the client ?

    You know, the page where you can download the !!

    If not, reconfigure the Windows firewall on the PM, so  you can !!




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