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Slow system performance when installing Policy Manager on server

Raed Posts: 8 Security Scout



I have a small business with only 10 machines having windows server 2003, policy manager 10.0 and client security 9.2.


The problem is that when Policy Manager is installed the server gives very low performance and the applications running on the server take time to load (5 to 10 minuts). and we had to put off the server running the policy manager  so that the other applications can run smoothly.


P.S: we have applications installed on the same server as the Policy manager, could this be the problem?? and please any advice or hint on how to solve it??


  • Jayson
    Jayson Posts: 106 Firewall Master

    Hi Raed,

    1. Find out which version of Policy Manager you have? (10.00 or 10.01)
    2. You have both Policy Manager Server (PMS) and Policy Manager Console (PMC) installed or just PMS alone on this Windows Server 2003?
    3. Do you have Anti-virus installed on your server?
    4. Check the system requirements in Release note, does your server meet system requirements for both PMS & PMC?
    5. Continuing check the system requirements for Windows Server Roles, other programs and services. More resources required to have multiple tasks/programs running.

    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

  • Raed
    Raed Posts: 8 Security Scout

    Hi Jayson,


    Thank you for your reply. 


    1. Find out which version of Policy Manager you have? (10.00 or 10.01)




    2. You have both Policy Manager Server (PMS) and Policy Manager Console (PMC) installed or just PMS alone on this Windows Server 2003?

      both installed on same server



    3. Do you have Anti-virus installed on your server?

        Antivirus not installed on my server



    4. Check the system requirements in Release note, does your server meet system requirements for both PMS & PMC?

        We checked the system requirements in the Release note but can we be more specific  in the amount of  RAM and Hard disk the policy manager will take and the additional resources needed for the clients for example 5 clients and the server how much traffic will be generated? 


    P.S  Its an SMB with only 10 PCs. We can not get a dedicated server for the Policy Manager.


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