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not updating

Crispinophur Posts: 1 Security Scout

I've got f-secure client security version 9.10


the problem I have is that it can't make a connection with the update server. when I check for updates it keeps saying that it's making a connection with the updateserver but it never finishes, it also says that the last time he updated was never but I personally updated it last week, and then it did finish making a connection with the updateserver.


can anyone please help me solve this problem?


  • Gary
    Gary Posts: 18 Digital Defender

    Hi Crispinophur,


    Please download and run the reset tool by clicking here, and check for update again.


    Are you able to ping the F-Secure update server (command prompt: ping


    Best regards,



  • Jayson
    Jayson Posts: 106 Firewall Master

    Hi Crispinophur,

    I have moved this post to End-point Security board.

    You may also try to download and execute the fsdbupdate utility fsdbupdate9.exe from our download server. The fsdbupdate utility contains all databases (Antivirus, Spyware, Spam, Parental, etc).


    Best Regards,

  • NetSJ
    NetSJ Posts: 1 Security Scout

    I am having the same issue - here is the tail of my update log:

    3800]Wed Jan 23 09:46:10 2013(2):  Connecting to (no BW proxy, no HTTP proxy)...
    [ 3800]Wed Jan 23 09:46:11 2013(2):  Update check completed successfully. No updates are available.
    [ 3800]Wed Jan 23 10:14:31 2013(3):  Agent shutting down
    [ 1652]Wed Jan 23 10:14:37 2013(9): AUA RESET TOOL ver (1.05 build 1049) was run
    [ 1904]Wed Jan 23 10:14:44 2013(3):  F-Secure Automatic Update Agent for WIN32 8.25.4196: Agent started
    [ 1904]Wed Jan 23 10:15:06 2013(2):  Connecting to (no BW proxy, no HTTP proxy)...
    [ 1904]Wed Jan 23 10:15:15 2013(2):  Update check completed successfully. No updates are available.
    [ 1904]Wed Jan 23 10:49:25 2013(2):  Connecting to (no BW proxy, no HTTP proxy)...
    [ 1904]Wed Jan 23 10:49:27 2013(2):  Update check completed successfully. No updates are available.


    The no updates issue has been displaying for days and now I am receiving alert messages that  my anti-virus database has not been updated in six days.

  • Vad
    Vad Posts: 1,069 Cybercrime Crusader

    Hello NetSJ,


    First of all, I would recommend you to upgrade to newer version. Version of your AUA shows, that your product version is pretty old.

    In some cases in old versions it is possible that updates are not downloaded if the computer wasn't rebooted for a long time (one week or more).


    If this doesn't help, please, contact support.


    Best regards,


This discussion has been closed.
