Mac-version deployment

T-M Posts: 1 Security Scout

Hi, our university is moving to F-Secure Protection Service for Business (PSB) Stardard on Macs also. Windows machines already are using F-Secure with Policy manager. My questions, can Mac version use also Policy manager and is there easy way to include the license code for deploying the software to Macs?




  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 1,172 Firewall Master



    > F-Secure Protection Service for Business (PSB) Stardard


    This product has no locally installed Policy Manager Server and Console at the customer. Instead, the sysadmin uses a browser to connect to a huge "Policy Manager"-ish web server farm, which is operated by F-Secure staff and that farm or "Cloud" infrastructure manages the protection of your clients.


    Apple Mac is only supported in this F-Secure PSB system and currently you cannot have FSAV running on Apple under a "classic" F-Secure Policy Manager setup (because there is no "FSAV Client Security for Apple Mac" product as far as I know).


    In fact, if your university is moving to F-Secure PSB, then the locally existing Policy Manager infrastructure is likely to be decommissioned.


    Kind regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

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